Showing posts with label spammers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spammers. Show all posts


Unbelievable Sir

Money's to be had at the drop of a hat, and spammers are quick to alert anyone to the fact. Today the alert came from Lionello Ramchandra, the best of at least two worlds, so to speak, who hails from, adding yet other ethnic dimensions.
His heart-warming message:

Unbelievable Sir
You have been pre-approved for a Home Loan at a Fixed Rate.
This offer is being extended to you unconditionally and we will work with=
you regardless your credit

To take Advantage of this Limited Time opportunity all
we ask is that you visit our Website and complete
the 1 minute post Approval Form.

Thank for reading.

Endorsement Assistant

My email wastes your time? Oops there

Nice afterthought, that "oops there".

Everybody please visit and flag it.

Yours sincerely,

Unbelievable Sir Home-Owner


Ein Blog nur für die Spammer

Für alle, die noch nicht wissen, von welchem wundervollen Fleischprodukt die Bezeichung für die Epidemie abgeleitet wurde, unter der die heutige E-Mail-Welt leidet. Eigentlich wäre der Firma Hormel dringend anzuraten, ein paar findige Rechtsanwälte anzuheuern, um die Spammer wegen Missbrauchs eines geschützten Warenzeichens zu verklagen.

Soeben bin ich über einen Blog gestolpert, der sich unserer geliebten Freunde von der nicht (oder allzu sehr oder leider) zur Gruppe der Hominiden gehörenden Art der Spammer annimmt:

Ganz konsequent lautet der Untertitel auf der Seite

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen!


Mutations of Viagra / spam discovers linguistics

Some drug peddling spammers are getting awfully inventive. Here's what reached me today from Antoinette Bray with the subject "Brother who had been":

Vaigrra S0tf Tabs 4. 12
Propeoica 1. 03
Caildis 5. 65
Geneeirc Vayigra 3. 58
Levttira 11. 98
Pajxil 2. 07
Ambvien 2. 84
Lormazepam 1. 79
Xanwax 2. 83
Zoloyft 1. 12
Purce Natrtual Hoonda 39. 97
Cllohmid 1. 88
Hooiqda Patnch 43. 34
Lipvtior 2. 20
Laslix 0. 53

Some of these mutations have great literary/linguistic potential. If Lovecraft were alive, I'm sure he'd use some.

"Pajxil" = Mayan?
"Caildis" = Celtic?
"Xanwax" = new brand name for waxed dental floss product in Germany?
"Hooiqda Patnch" = Sanskrit-based Indic language?
"Propeoica" = lost play by Aristophanes

But the "Purce Natrtual Hoonda" is the best of all, some Nahuatl thrown in with Japanese as far as I can tell.

Thanks, Tony (who ever you may be), for not giving up on me after thousands of similar mails failed to get me hooked on any of these drugs.


Emery Felix tells me I have a history

Thanks, Em!

Here's what he wrote:
Your history shows that your last order is ready for refilling.
That kind of history kind of surprised me ... but perhaps I shouldn't be surprised in this age of identity theft. I've probably got more histories than I will ever know apart from the various ones I know of or have actively created.

Generally speaking, though, I'm still surprised - even after years of receiving unsolicited mail, as this junk is called politically correctly - that anybody would get in touch with me, tell me a blatant lie right off the bat and then expect me to hurry to their store and leave money there even though they do their damndest to make sure that nobody can find out who they're doing business with.

Does spam make any sense?

I don't think anybody in his right mind thinks it does.

And yet there seem to be enough brazen shysters out there that believe they can make a buck by sending out millions of unwanted advertisements to millions of people who definitely do not want each and every one of those millions of unwanted advertisements.

This appears to be as great a conflict of interest as there has ever been.

Spammers, do you realize that you are collecting crushing wrath and millions of bad karma points every time you send out one of those spam mails? This has got to be bad for your health. I'd worry about it if I were you.


Poetry mail from Madelyn Conner

Madelyn Conner ( is an online drug peddler. Like many of her brothers and sisters with their lofty names - every bit as sonorous as those of the authors of trashy novels - she resorts to fragments that might qualify as "modern literature" to beat spam filters:
of girl. I should have liked to know her. Good night, young him not - drank it, and fell dead. It was too old for him. It He bites. There was one boy - a certain J. Steerforth - who cut good deal though I was much less brave than Traddles, and nothing
Good-bye, Younghimnot! What sad fate to befall one.

No doubt we shall hear about that (un)certain J. Steerforth and Traddles and what became of him (her?) in future spam.

And who is the elusive "I" of the poem?